President Obama Stumps for NJ Governor Corzine at PNC Arts Center
Thursday, July 18th 2009
3:15 pm-- Members of the press passing out in a massive, seemingly endless line into the center, and its not on the account of President Obama but the scorching heat. Audacity of Hope? More like the Audacity of Heat Stroke
3:20 pm-- I just made it through the security check and I didn't even have to take off my shoes...Yes we can!
(These guys are famed for their witty sense of humor)
3:24 pm-- Finally made my way down to the press pool seating area. In retrospect, I probably would've have sat in the blogger section, but then I'd be on the side of the Garden State Parkway.
3:30 pm-- Some state senator approaches the podium and addresses the throngs of exuberant Obamaniacs and their one Corzine fan. She touts and panegyrizes the achievements and accomplishments of Governor Corzine. Yeah, how's about addressing the fact that NJ received more than 17 billion dollars in Federal Stimulus money and yet no free bottled water in sub-Saharan heat.
3:32 pm-- Much to the pleasure of the ultra-partisan crowd, State Senator begins to equate Chris Christie, the Republican candidate for governor, to president Bush. Not surprisingly, the crowd erupted in a raucous of boos. I think Bush is about as popular with the general electorate as flesh eating bacteria
3:36 pm-- Oh my, there appears to be a full-scale chorus singing. The chorus sang mellifluously and were very impassioned, but I fear I was much too much to distracted by the plethora of awkward white guy dancing. Clearly the black part of Obama would be put to shame.
3:45 pm-- Whose Congressman's leg do you have to hump to get a martini around here!
3:46 pm-- Still no Obama or that other guy whom one person came to see.
4:00 pm-- NJ Governor Corzine just made his way up the stage and to the podium and announces that he's a Gay American. But seriously, Governor Corzine begins to address the enthusiastic crowd. What, too hot for sweater vests?
(The geeky, unpopular kid reassures his boisterous guests that the special celebrity he hired will be appearing shortly)
4:02 pm-- Oh my, this man really needs to touch Obama because he has the charisma of a week's old meatloaf. If he isn't the Art Garfunkel to Obama's Paul Simon...
4:05 pm-- The topic of health care--the wheezing 800 pound gorilla in the emergency room--was broached.
4:08 pm-- Governor Corzine panders to his most ardent supporters by playing up his support for unions and working class New Jerseyians.
4:12 pm-- Governor Corzine announces the arrival of his good friend, Hillary Clinton. But seriously, President Obama has arrived!
(Riding the Coattails anyone?)
4:13 pm-- I think I just lost 80 percent of my hearing.
4:14 pm-- President Obama begins to address the sweltering but ebullient crowd of thousands.
4:15 pm-- I don't care one iota if President Obama has back peddled on some of his campaign promises, belied some of his most vehement campaign rhetoric, and sheepishly kowtowed to the banks because he is adorable! He's like puppy's breath and new car scent all put in one! But seriously, President Obama exudes confidence and is highly commanding.
4:16 pm-- Oh no he didn't! I believe President Obama just handed Corzine his coat jacket. I guess Corzine is doing his laundry now.
4:18 pm-- President Obama wastes no time in emphatically declaring Governor Corzine a crucial ally who had helped develop the national economic recovery plan, saving countless jobs, while working wonders on education and health insurance and still cutting the size of state government
(This was once the guy who refused to wear a flag lapel pin, only to appear in front of Rudy Giuliani's pool cover.)
4:20 pm-- President Obama seems very ensnared in his presidential campaign rhetoric and almost forgets that he got the job back in November. His tone is just as fiery and forceful as it was on the stump. Clearly Obama feels most comfortable in this arena than he does in the oval office.
4:25 pm-- Health Care reform is explained no just in terms of the nation as a whole, but to the great many Small business owners suffering from soaring costs here in NJ. 4:30pm-- Enough with all of this trivial health care reform! I want to know why the president hates flys and yellow mustard!!4:36-- After lauding Governor Corzine for his own efforts in fixing health care, President Obama took this golden opportunity to highlight his own prescription for a workable and affordable health plan. In fact, President Obama took off the gloves and confronted the most vociferous republican and conservative democrat opponents of his health plan by loudly declaring "What's your Plan?!" Kudos!
"What's your Plan?!" ~ President Obama
4:40 PM-- President Obama concludes his 25 minute speech by reaffirming his support for Governor Corzine and thanks the crowd.