Where the Glass is half full of Shit

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Megan Fox has an opinion on something so you must care

So the glycerined, tawdry, dog-shit for brains, vapid, one-dimensional flash in the pan tart takes a page inextricably ripped from the play book of the Anti-Obama morons and compares hackneyed director Michael Bay to Hitler. Apparently she was also mean to gaffers. Being in the field of entertainment, I am inclined to immediately support the unflagging efforts and sweat put in by Film and Tv crews...so my bias is transparent. I think its mostly due to the fact that celebrities are fucking morons who can neither read or write. But if there is an actor deserving an opprobrium from a crew, it's Christian Bale.

And I must say that comparing her intellect to rocks is a major affront to rocks.

I had the dubious honor of catching a glimpse of an utterly campy horror movie set to the Myspace era she's in that looks unequivocally craptastic. I know America simply cannot get enough of barely clothed, underage white girls, but there has got to be a statute of limitations on this one. The film is called Jennifer's Body, although it's safe to assume it's Megan's body you are watching. She thought she was going to be the next Angelina Jolie, but it looks like she's going to be the next Denise Richards. Pretty face with very little range, depth, and acting skill. I cannot wait for her next project--a leaked drug-and-booze soaked sex tape.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Military Privatization Gone Wild vol 2: Now with More Poop

Is Hillary Clinton Secretary of State or Paris Hilton? It looks like Just War Theory and the "Good Iraq" just got stripped and eaten potato chips on. According to Reuters, it seems the state department just allocated another $180 million to the private firm. Man, just think of all the prostitutes these morbidly obese, criminally retarded, gun-touting, incestuous demon spawn can get with that scratch. The deranged, bacchanalian behavior exhibited by members of the Afghan American Embassy security contractor ArmorGroup make the soldiers at Abu Grab look like war heroes.

(Defusing Roadside Improvised Bombs and keeping the Taliban at bay really causes a hankering for some beer drinking out of each others unwashed, soiled anuses)

Indeed, our national economy may still be mirred in a recession with the potential for a "double-dip", but the "who can act most retardedly and embarrassingly and illegally in a war zone” market is booming and growing each and every day.