Where the Glass is half full of Shit

Friday, August 7, 2009

Cluck U America! Cash for Cluckers

While state-run GM is successfully convincing America's socially backward, unread shittards that trading in their aging, antediluvian gaz-guzzlers for brand spanking new ones will spawn future growth (in debt collection that is), PETA--the naked Eva Mendes org--is capitalizing on the wildly popular government program with one of its own.

Cash for cluckers is aimed at helping the environment by convincing America to abstain from partaking in one of its favorite activities next to race baiting--filling their mammoth gullets with dead chicken carcass coated with that ever-so natural and organic high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oil batter. The idea is to get America's fattest and dumbest to abstain from supporting an industry that produces more greenhouse gasses than all the SUVs, cars, trucks, planes, and ships in the world combined...and that's just before it's digested!

The program offers a $1 rebate to non vegetarians who purchase vegetarian "chicken" products. Yeah! So after taking out a mortgage to pay for the vegan products, I get to spend another 44 cents to mail in my receipt and they give me a dollar for a whopping net gain of 54 cents ! This sounds vaguely familiar to some heartfelt but ultimatley futile program

"Driving a fuel-efficient car is a step in the right direction, but to be truly 'green,' it's best to adopt a vegetarian diet," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "We hope that 'Cash for Cluckers' provides the stimulus and the inspiration people need to make the switch to a healthy, humane, and Earth-friendly vegetarian diet."

Now that is something with which I can get on board, assuming they throw in a naked celebrity wrapped in soy and feature a dancing, cartoonish soy bean.

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